So, our garden is continuing to grow! This morning I went out to take a look and it's looking great! I also looked later on today and it's amazing how quickly plants grow!
The cantaloupe seeds are sprouting! I know one side is for sure, I think I saw some little leaves poking out on the other side of the garden where we planted cantaloupe. I imagine I'll know for sure tomorrow or the day after. |
The sunflower seeds are growing sooo well! We'll have to take space some of them out already. We don't want so many to grow so close together. Maybe we can use the seedling we take out and put them in our front yard or somewhere else, so they don't got to waste! |
The cucumbers are growing well also! We'll also need to space them soon. I hope I pick the right seedling to keep! |
The onions are growing like crazy. We have no idea when to harvest them though. I guess we'll just harvest them a little after the community garden harvests theirs. |
That tomato plant just keeps growing amazingly. The zucchini plant wasn't looking too awesome, and then I accidently broke the stem when I was showing Dan how it didn't look to awesome. So, I guess we'll replace that with something else. I have some coupons for some free herbs at the nursery near me, we'll probably use those there. |
You may not be able to see it, but in the middle there's a little green leaf. I think that's cantaloupe. |
You probably can't see these either. I have 2 little chives growing right now. I the whole seed packet in there. I figure you can never have too many chives growing? I guess I'll find out. |
The Dill is dead. Something attacked it already. I have birds, squirrels and I have a dog. One of those uprooted it. We'll have to put one of those herbs I was talking about there. Or...maybe I'll just move the basil over. The basil is growing like crazy and it's already shadowing the oregano. And I want to move the oregano up anyways because its sunk down and I want it up higher in the pot. The only scary thing is that I have the chive seeds in there and I don't want to mess them up! |
Everything but the Dill looking pretty. |
Since we potted Phoebe's flower, it's been growing really really well! I thought maybe there was something wrong with it because it wasn't really doing much, but now it's more green and getting bigger. I think all it needed was a new home. |
My pansies are driving me nutty. They're like weeds! |
The garden bed today! |
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