Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Garden Soil

Yesterday I went out to water the garden. It had rained a little bit the night before, but not a ton. It seems that the top of all the soil/compost was dry. I'll need to check to see if it's just dry on the top or dry all the way through a few inches. If so, it's going to need a lot of watering! That's okay, I just want my plants to live ;)

I forgot to mention that in one pot we have basil and chive seeds. We planted them about 2 1/2 weeks ago. The chives haven't started growing, so I don't think that they will by now. There's a few basil seedlings. We'll need to thin them out but at least those are growing.

Our rosemary plant from last year is still growing well. I'm considering planting it into the ground. You're suppose to bring them inside to protect them during the winter, but I didn't do that last winter and it seems to be fine.

Last night I had Phoebe pick out which flower seeds would go into the last pot. She picked Marigolds and Snapdragons. I put marigolds in the middle, we'll just let one seedling grow, and snapdragons around the perimeter, I may let a couple grow and see how it does.

Dan showed me out to use the weedwacker, so today I will be doing that so that we can plant the blackberry bush (which is doing great and growing berries) and the sunflowers. I might grow a few more things in with the sunflowers since they get so tall and could probably have some bush beans or something on the ground. We'll see ;)

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