Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Plan of Salvation

The Plan of Salvation is basically God's plan for us, the reason we are here and what has come before and what will come after our Earthly lives. It is also referred to as the Plan of Happiness.

To read more about the Plan of Salvation yourself, here are two links:

The Plan of Salvation answers the questions: "Where did I come from and why?" Which is a really big question that everyone wants to know the answer to!

There is a God.

Alma 30:44 says, "...all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator." 

He is the Father of our Spirits and we are made in his own image. He is our Heavenly Father and He loves us more than we could ever possibly imagine.

I got the following images from HERE

So here we are, spirits in our premortal existence.

The Plan of Salvation starts here, where we are God's children, but only in spirit form. We didn't have bodies and so there were things we couldn't experience. God wanted us to be able to be more like him and to understand joy and happiness, so there were two plans given. One, from Satan, was to have us come to Earth and be forced to choose only right and so we could all gain exaltation. The other plan, from Jesus, was that we would come and make our own choices, and a savior would be provided as a way for us to repent and return to live with Heavenly Father again. Those of us who chose this second plan have come, are here or are coming here to Earth! Yay!! Good choice! 

So, we pass through the veil and are no longer able to remember our premortal existence, so that we can make our own choices on faith.

And because of The Fall of Adam and Eve, we are able to be mortal and experience joy.

In mortality we are tested. Our bodies aren't perfect which gives us temptations and struggles, we have to find faith and learn repentance (which we are able to do because of Christ's Atonement for us). Eventually, our bodies die.

And our spirits go to a place we call Spirit World. If you lived righteously, you are in a place of "Spiritual Paradise" and if not, then "Spirit Prison" which is really a great way of describing what it is like. The missionaries came over recently and gave a great example. They said that the Spirit World is more like waiting in the Dentist office, if you cleaned and took care of your teeth, you have nothing to worry about and you're felling good. If you neglected brushing, you will be nervous and it will feel like torture waiting, which is more what Spirit Prison is like, not fire and demons but more of a personal upset that you now have your eyes lifted and feel bad about how your Earthly test went.

What is great though is that our Church teaches that ins the Spirit World you can still choose to follow Christ. Remember that God is our loving Heavenly Father and will always want to give us more chances, this is kind of like his final plea.

After the time that Jesus Christ returns to Earth, there will be a time that all of our bodies are resurrected and restored to a perfect state.

And eventually we will have our final judgement, determining what reward we will gain.

Yes, reward. We don't believe that God wants to punish us for all eternity. But no unclean thing can dwell in God's presence, so unfortunately not everyone will be able to be in the highest degree of glory. But there are three degrees. The Telestial Kingdom is a wonderful place, as is the Terrestial Kingdom, but the Celestial Kingdom is where we will be the happiest and is the highest reward. Scriptures relate the kingdoms to the brightness of the stars, the moon, and the sun. 

 We are here to live by faith, not knowing our premortal lives, and to use our faith in God and Christ to be good people and follow the commandments and make sacred covenants (like baptism) through the proper authority (given by Christ) and return to live with our Heavenly Father in bodies, which we didn't have before. We are here to be able to have joy and happiness.

1 Corinthians 15 talks about the different glories of Heaven and basically the whole plan of salvation! I suggest reading it. Here is a link to it This is the King James Version of the Bible, which we believe to be the most accurate and full version. I'm no so keen on random people trying to make my Bible easier to read by changing the words ;)

 This Plan of Salvation is what I believe. It is our purpose in coming to Earth. It is amazing and it is a perfect plan. I am so grateful for my knowledge of this plan and my purpose. It gives me an eternal perspective that helps me get through daily tasks and challenges. I love it!

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