Take a look at these pictures (I got these HERE if you want to look at more pics or download them for your own use):
All of these pictures show Prophets acting with Priesthood Authority to do what Prophets do! What is a prophet exactly? A prophet is a man called by God to be His representative on earth. He is a special witness for Christ, he teaches truth (of the gospel) and interprets the word of God, calls unrighteous to repentance, receives revelation and directions from the Lord for us, he may even see the future to forewarn us (think of Noah!) There have been many prophets throughout history and we can read about many of them in the scriptures.
If you lived in Noah's time, or Moses's time, or Jacob's time, would you want to hear what one of these Prophets had to say? Would you want to go listen to him preach and share the word of God? Would you want to try your best to obey the commands he tells you and want to follow guidance and warning given?
I think it would be very interesting to sit at the feet of a prophet and hear what he has been told to convey to us.
Well, there's some great news. There is a living Prophet of God on the earth today. His name is Thomas S. Monson and he is the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It can be a lot to take in, for someone who has their own beliefs and is suddenly given this news. Honestly, a lot of people think us Mormons are nuts for thinking this. But, isn't that what people in the scriptures thought to? Who actually listened to Noah? Only his family was on the Arc, everyone else thought Noah was nuts.
Wouldn't it be awful, if you met Christ at the Judgement, and he said, "Why didn't you listen to my Prophet?" Isn't it worth looking into, checking out, and finding out for yourself if Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet? If the Twelve Apostles are who they say they are (yes there are Twelve Apostles on the Earth again too!)
This is wonderful news. I don't know about you, but sometimes when I'm reading the Bible and I get to parts about how to cleanse myself of leprosy, I wonder if I really need to know that bit. Well, those instructions were important in that time, but there are things that we need to know now, like how to avoid pornography on the internet or not be addicted to video games. Those things are important now and we have prophets and apostles to tell us these things and other important things. Of course there is always the repetitive "pray, read scriptures, be like Christ" but there is a reason that is repeated over and over throughout scriptures and in the talks of our living prophets.
Christ's established one church while he was on the earth. He gave authority to twelve apostles who spread the gospel. When Christ was killed, the apostles still tried to keep the church going, when one of them was killed, they new it was important to call another apostle. But eventually, too many of them died and eventually, the authority was lost. But like in other dispensations throughout the bible, after a time of turmoil and confusion among the people of the world, a new prophet was called, and the authority has been reestablished.
Amos 3:7 "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets."
Listen to a prophet of God:
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